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Proxy Receive Data

This guide will help you receive data from a third party without having the data touch your own servers.

PCI Proxy Send Credit Card Vault API

PCI Vault will request and receive the data from the third party with built-in exponential back-off, and will return the resulting token to you via webhook if the request is asynchronous (default) or in the response if the request is synchronous.


Receiving data on PCI Vault is a 5-step process.

  1. Create a webhook endpoint on your server that is accessible from the web.
  2. Send a request to PCI Vault to retrieve data from a third party.
  3. PCI Vault sends a request to the third party, automatically retrying on a failure, and stores the data securely.
  4. Receive the resulting PCI Vault token on a webhook.
  5. Reply to PCI Vault after you received the webhook.
┌───────────┐            ┌─────────┐        ┌───────────┐
│Your Server│            │PCI Vault│        │Third Party│
└─────┬─────┘            └────┬────┘        └─────┬─────┘
      │                       │                   │      
      │1) Create Webhook      │                   │      
      │                       │                   │      
      │2) Proxy Request       │                   │      
      │──────────────────────>│                   │      
      │                       │                   │      
      │                       │3) Send & Receive  │      
      │                       │<─────────────────>│      
      │                       │                   │      
      │4) Token               │                   │
      │<──────────────────────│                   │      
      │                       │                   │
      │5) Webhook Response    │                   │
      │──────────────────────>│                   │
┌─────┴─────┐            ┌────┴────┐        ┌─────┴─────┐
│Your Server│            │PCI Vault│        │Third Party│
└───────────┘            └─────────┘        └───────────┘

Step 1: Create a Webhook Endpoint

Create a webhook endpoint on your server. The webhook endpoint must be accessible from the web and use HTTPS as its protocol.

To secure the webhook endpoint against bad actors, you must protect your webhook with a secret which can be submitted in an HTTP header. You will provide this secret to PCI Vault in step 2.

You can choose to

  • create a new webhook endpoint and secret for every proxy request,
  • have one endpoint with a new secret on every proxy request,
  • have one endpoint and secret to use with all proxy requests.

We recommend the first option and discourage the last option. All three options are allowed.

Step 2: Request Your Data to be Sent to a Third Party

Make a POST request to /proxy/get. The body of the request must contain a request template in JSON.

For example:

  "request": {
    "method": "POST",
    "url": "https://example-issuer.com/new-card",
    "headers": [
      {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
      {"Authorization": "Basic ZXhhbXBsZTpwYXNzd29yZA=="}
    "body": "This can be literally anything, it will be forwarded to the third party."
  "webhook": {
    "url": "https://reply-to.me",
    "secret": "rIx9tXqTH10_ShEThqQZ2yRI0e9_aPP9"

This will POST This can be literally anything, it will be forwarded to the third party. to https://example-issuer.com/new-card with the specified headers included in the request.

PCI Vault will do the following validation before sending:

  • The request URL must use HTTPS.
  • The request method must be a valid HTTP method if present.
  • If the webhook is present, the URL must be HTTPS and the secret must be present.

If PCI Vault responds with 200 OK, the request will be sent to the third party soon. Any other response code means that something went wrong and the request will not be sent.

Step 3: PCI Vault Handles the Request and Response

PCI Vault will send the request to the third party on your behalf. If the third party responds with a 429 or 5xx error, PCI Vault will retry the request with exponential backoff until it succeeds or fails a number of times.

If the response is successful, PCI Vault will try to store the data in the response. If you would like PCI Vault to smart parse the resulting data, you can set the smart_parse flag to true.

Step 4: Handle Webhook Requests

PCI Vault will send a POST request to your webhook endpoint and include your secret in the X-PCIVault-Webhook-Secret header. It is your responsibility to ensure the secret in the header matches the one you sent.

The data in the POST request will look like this:

  "headers": [
    { "Content-Type": "application/json" },
    { "Content-Length": "24" },
    { "X-Custom-Header": "custom-data" }
  "status": "200",
  "token_info": {
    "token": "31fd87cdc5bf9bf13c28684917f9888bf775b07e2f4d8a6ff583ef7c743d2433",
    "user": "test3",
    "stored_at": "2023-09-06T13:34:06.467787655Z"

All headers in the third party's response is included.

If smart parsing is active on the request, a censored version of the original response will also be included. The censored version of the response will look like a mustache template.

Step 5: Respond to the Webhook Request

Please respond with a HTTP status code in 2xx range if you successfully processed the request. All other status codes will cause PCI Vault to retry the webhook with exponential backoff. Every attempt at POSTing to the webhook will be charged as a normal API operation.

Please handle the following cases accordingly:

  • If no secret is present the request, please respond with 404 Not Found, or 401 Unauthorized. This probably means someone else is trying to send data on the webhook.
  • If the secret is present but not correct, please respond with 403 Forbidden. In this case PCI Vault staff will be notified and contact you to resolve the issue.
  • If the request is not a POST request, please return 405 Method Not Allowed.